7.12 les transports, The transportation, transportes

les transports images


All vehicles, boats, planes, drones, submarines on the Utopia territory must be powered by engines that do not pollute (see energy). Except in the canal leading to the free port.

The communication routes are developed by Utopia during its construction. They generally consist of (per tower):

1. roads that climb the towers from the inside and the outside (width of 3m) with services on the floors to access mainly businesses, industries, pedestrian areas, housing areas, commercial areas and recreation areas. These roads are mainly intended for government intervention vehicles (ambulances, fire and army vehicles, etc.). During their intervention all the other vehicles are directed and stopped on places of avoidance made for this purpose. Roads are also provided for public transport, delivery vehicles and to a lesser extent for private vehicles. These vehicles are controlled automatically through a guidance system managed by a computer center. Utopia will open private licenses for the operation of public transport lines (there are no state lines). It will lease the concessions for taxis and the transport of goods and will distribute permits for private circulation (for a fee). Electric vehicles whose maximum speed can not exceed 20km/h must be equipped with a mechanical brake and a manual steering system.

tracks for wheeled vehicles that are not equipped with an engine.

2. Indoor elevators (free of charge) with large cabins for transporting housing components (3m * 2m * 2.5m), supplies and goods from the inner harbour to the top of the tower.

3. indoor elevators (free of charge, vertical and oblique) for people (at least 100) with stops on all floors connecting the base of the tower to the summit.

4. upgraded sea lanes with automatic guidance systems for electrically powered boats. These systems can be turned off so that these boats can be manually piloted. They all have a backup system to move them in case of engine failures (sails, oars, or other), lifejackets and wetsuits for all passengers. In addition, public transport boats will be equipped with lifeboats for all passengers. Utopia will open the operating licenses (valid for 10 years and renewable) for the public transport of passengers by boat.

5. private rapid transit systems connecting the towers to each other and also serving as fast links between the bottom and the top of the towers (stops every 10 floors). The suggested transport system: airships attached to guide cables. In this case (if it is selected), Utopia will install the guide cables and will open the operating licenses (valid for 10 years and renewable).

6. other private transport: funiculars, hydrofoils, sailboats, seaplanes, helicopters, boats, submarines, etc.

7. air corridors for drones (with or without passengers).

8. international passenger transport which is provided by private companies that must equip their means of transport with non-polluting engines and use energy carriers (for example: hydrogen) manufactured and transported without pollution.

9. Carriage of goods by road, by sea, by air.

Los transportes

Todos los vehículos (barcos, aviones, drones, submarinos, coches…) que se desplazan sobre el territorio de Utopia deben ser movidos por energias que no contaminen.

La única excepcion se encuentra en el canal que entra en el territorio.

Las vias de comunicacion son responsabilidad de Utopia : construccion y mantenimiento.

Consiste en cada torre en :

  1. calles, calzadas, vias, que rodean las torres por el interior como por el exterior, largas de 3m, con poca costa, con acceso a cada planta, comercios, industrias… A eso se le añade zonas peatonas para alcanzar hogares y zonas de placer y relajamiento.

    Esas vias existen en prioridad para las ambulancias, la armada, los bomberos… cuando se produce una emergencia, todo el tráfico esta parado para que los vehicolos automaticos de socorro puedan intervenir en poco tiempo.

    Los transportes en comun también son automaticos, dependientes de una central de pilotage.

    Utopia no ers proprietaria de esos medios : son un ejercicio privado. Solo cobra un derecho para usar las vias.

    Los vehículos privados no pueden correr a mas de 20km/h y tendrán que ser equipados de frenos mecanicos y pilotage manual.

  2. Pistas para vehículos con ruedas, que no tienen motor
  3. ascensores interiores con espacio suficiente para subir los modulos de viviendas (3 x 2 x 2,5 m), muebles y mercancias del puerto interior hasta el punto mas alto de la torre
  4. ascensores interiores para personans (mínimo 100), con parada en cada planta, de la base hasta el punto mas alto.
  5. Vias maritimas con sistema de pilotage automatico para barcos electricos. Esos barcos pueden ser pilotados manualmente y disponen de otra forma de propulsion, en caso de avaria. Esos barco se equipan de todos los sistemas de seguridad (chalecos, ropa…)

    Algunos de esos barcos suirven para transportes en comun. Es este caso, Utopia les da un licencia para 10 años.

  6. Sistemas privados de transporte rapido, de torre en torre. Ese sistema se compone de DIRIGEABLES atados con cables de guianza. Utopia se encarga de construir cables y DIRIGEABLES y dara licencias para la explotacion de 10 años.
  7. Otros transportes privados : FUNICULAIRE, HYDROGLISSEURS, veleros, hidraviones, elicopteros, barcos, submarinos…
  8. vias aereas para drones
  9. transportes internacionales de pasageros : medios de transporte que no contaminen
  10. transportes de mercancias por tierra, aire y mar.

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