12.2 L’enfant, sa mère et son père, Children, their mothers and their fathers, Niños, padre, madre,


Part 12

The Acden philosophy and the social system

Children, their mothers and their fathers

The Aiden does not offer a family model to its companions. It only complies with the laws of nature.

Nature has provided a mother (biological) and a father (biological) for each child. Nature has developed what is called maternal love and paternal love in most parents. Thanks to this love parents will protect and educate their children. These roles are defined in the section dedicated to children’s education.

If the children are orphans, their godfather or godmother will replace the missing parent. If the children are orphaned by both parents, both their godmother and their godfather will be responsible for the education of the children. If there is no respondent the Wellbeing and Social Committees will look for a godmother and godfather that already have at least one child.

The Acden asks parents or their substitutes (in the companion duties) to raise and educate the children according to its standards. It offers 4 1/2 years of “lost earning” allowances to replace a full-time job, which the father (about 40%) and the mother (about 60%) should share to have time to take care of their children and to educate them. It offers the equivalent of a full-time job to the godparents until the children start kindergarten.

Acden suggests that parents or their substitutes transmit their language (in addition to English) ​​and culture by talking, singing and telling stories (especially those of the Aiden) in these languages ​​during pregnancy and until the children can speak. During these few months the children can learn and understand (by a kind of osmosis) several languages ​​even if they do not speak them. The children will be able to perfect this learning with their parents and during their studies.


Capitulo 12 : vivir en AIDEN

Niños, padre, madre

AIDEN no impone un modelo familiar en particular. Simplemente se conforma con las leyes de la naturaleza que ha previsto para cada niño un padre y una madre. La naturaleza a desarrollado el amor para que los padres eduquen y protejan a sus hijos. Si el niño es huerfano, su padrino o madrina se encargara de él. Si nadie puede responder de él, la comision del bien estar y social buscaran un padrino y madrina para acojerlo.

AIDEN pide a los padres o responsables (referirse a los deberes de los compañeros/as) educar sus niños segun sus normas. Les paga 4 1/2 años de pension para recupera lo que pierdan del trabajo a cambio de mucho tiempo pasado con los hijos/as hasta que llegue el tiempo de la escuela.

También les propone transmitir sus idiomas y culturas ademas del ingles : hablando, leyendo, cantando. Habria que empezar el uso de varios idiomas ya durante el embarazo de tal forma que se optimize el aprendizage de los idiomas.

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