6.16 les substances taxées 1 – substancias impuestas 1 – drugs and alcohol

les substances taxées selon leur dangerosité

Drugs and alcohol:

  • Alcohol is considered a hard drug by Aiden. Alcohol belongs to the same category as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine for the addiction it can cause and the damage it incurs. To get similar effects to alcohol: you should mix heroin with cocaine (in equal quantity, this mixture is called “speedball”) and add a little hallucinogenic drug such as psilocybin (from mushrooms). Heroin addicts almost always choose alcohol as a substitute if they want to stop heroin. It is for these reasons as well as the loss of consciousness, the accidents and the violence that alcohol can cause, that Aiden places alcohol in the hard drugs. If we look at the effects of heroine, cocaine, amphetamines and hallucinogenics, they are stronger and and covert those of alcohol consumed at the same time.

  • Most people who drink alcohol control their consumption. Most consumers of the following drugs also control their consumption: opium and its derivatives, cocaine and its derivatives, amphetamines (in general: speed, methamphetamine, MDMA, Extasies, etc.) and? These drugs are considered hard drugs by the Aiden, because they can kill someone in less than a day (overdose) and, if they are consumed regularly, they induce a strong physical addiction.

  • Hallucinogenic drugs from fungi and cactuses or other plants, LSD, are also dangerous because they can also cause mental overdoses, but do not really involve physical addiction.

  • synthetic drugs: GHB (the body makes a similar one), pop-pers, etc.


Drogas y alcohol

  • AIDEN considera que el alcohol es una droga fuerte que pertenece a las misma categoria que la cocaina, heroina y metanfetamina si se comparan los efectos y la adiccion que provoca. Para obtener el efecto de una borrachera, tendríase que mezclar, por ejemplo, heroina con cacaina (speedball) y añadirle algún alucinógeno tipo psilocibina (hongos). Los drogaditos (sobre todo los adictos a heroina) escogen al alcohol como droga de sustituto cuandan quieren desengancharse. Perder el conocimiento, accidentes, violencias: Por esas razones AIDEN considera que el alcohol es una droga fuerte.
  • La mayoria de la gente que bebe alcohol controla su consumo. Lo mismo ocurre con las demás drogas.
  • Opio, cocaina, heroina anfetaminas (y todo los derivados) también se consideran rogas fuertes, ya que puede matar a una persona en menos de un día y que imponen una fuerte dependencia.
  • Los alucinógicos que provienen de plantans (hongos, cactus…) también se consideran peligrosas ya que pueden provocar una sobredosis psicologica, pero no suelen provocar dependencias fisicas.
  • Las drogas sintéticas…

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