4.4 La diplomatie, The diplomacy

chapitre 4 diplomatie


Utopia recognizes all governments (democratic or otherwise) that recognize it.

Utopia remains perfectly neutral and seeks to have good relations with all countries. This is to exist in peace and because the anarchists are not lesson givers.

Utopia’s diplomatic corps is made up of committees with an equal number of male and female citizens. They are elected by the people. They must negotiate bilateral agreements and report their findings first to the government and then to the citizens through the official media. The people decide how to proceed with these draft agreements.

Utopia’s diplomats work with foreign diplomats through videoconference. These conferences are not broadcasted. Exceptionally, Utopia diplomats can go abroad in small groups of at least three people who can be of the same sex to respect the habits and customs of the diplomats with whom they will negotiate.

Utopia does not have diplomatic representation abroad. Applications for visas, residence permits, documents replacing a lost passport are obtained through the internet.

Mutually, there are no permanent foreign diplomatic representations on Utopia’s territory.

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Anarchise informatisée démocratique écologique & neutre