1.13 Résumé des idées 3 / Summary of the ideas 3

résumé idées 3

State security is obtained:

– by a minimal number of laws that should not be transgressed

– by security cameras with facial recognition all over the territory

– by mandatory use of the Aiden offices for all interactions between the people and the state

– by mandatory use of Aiden’s basic contractas

– by stocking all its information

– by the generalized use of bank cards for payments

Utopia offers (in its beginnings anyway) virtual money called the Anar. Cash payments are made in foreign currencies or bitcoins.

Community-based policing is replaced by:

observers that control public areas from a security post using screens that are linked to surveillance cameras. They make sure that the instructions that are broadcasted on the loud-speakers are followed.

negotiators that try to solve problems with diplomacy, using the loud-speakers.

The investigative police is replaced by an investigation committee made up of citizens.

Justice is served by justice committees made of people that have been designated in alphabetical order.

Trials are usually public in order to have a dissuasive effect. They are then broadcasted by the official medias.

Prison is replaced by freedom restrictions that are programmed so that the litigants can continue to provide for themselves, can keep their jobs and not be of any danger to their companions.

The economy is capitalist-liberal-anarchist




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Anarchise informatisée démocratique écologique & neutre