5.5 Courts / Les tribunaux

Courts or Justice committees

(Justice committee = Court)

Justice is rendered by the Justice committees, formed of at least five people (odd numbers). There are the same number of men and women. The additional person who is the chair of the committee must be of the same sex as the accused.

There are four justice committees:

  • Neighbourhood Courts competent for all offenses not dealt with by the Unit Courts

  • Unit Courts competent for serious offenses

  • Military Courts competent for military offenses

  • Utopia State Court competent for political offenses

Members of the Courts or Justice committees are citizens named in alphabetical order, so that all citizens can do justice. For each case two Justice committees are named (one from A and the other from Z).

The members of Unit Courts are chosen in the same alphabetical order among the members of the Neighbourhood chambers of deliberative legislation.

The members of the two State Courts are chosen in the same alphabetical order among the members of the Unit and State chambers deliberative legislation.

Justice committees can operate anonymously if warranted.

Citizens who know the person on trial can not do justice and are replaced.

chap5. 04 les tribunaux

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