7.13 à étudier, To be studied, para reflexionar

à étudier

To be studied

A means of long distance air transport for goods and passengers: solar powered stratospheric airships with large spaces for passengers and equipped with all you need to make traveling enjoyable.

These airships are coupled with planes propelled by liquid propellant reactors (hydrogen + oxygen) which serve to propel the tandem airship/plane. In case of problems the plane is designed to leave the stratosphere, land (on land or water) by its own means. This is to ensure the safety of its passengers, after the separation of the airplane and the airship.

These airships/airplanes should exploit the prevailing air currents of the stratosphere to increase their speeds which will already be greater than in the troposphere where the air is denser and more unstable.

Para reflexionar:

necesitamos un medio de transporte por aire para mercancias y personas; que se pueda desplazar sobre largos recorridos: globos dirigibles alimentados en energia por paneles fotovolaicos, con espacios grandes para los pasageros y todas las comodidades para que los viages sean agradables. Esos dirigibles estan combinados con aviones propulsados por combustilbes tipo hidrogena. En caso de avaría, el avion debe ser pensado ara alejarse de la estratosfera de forma independiente para la seguridad de los pasageros, despues de haberse desatado del dirigible.

Ese conjunto avion-dirigible podria explotar las corrientes aereas que dominan en la estratosfera para poder aumentar su velocidad (ya que a esas alturas hay menos aire).

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