6.12 la recherche – busqueda – research

recherche dans le domaine de la santé

Research in the fields of health

Acden in Utopia will not use laboratory animals for its experiments.

Its scientists:

  • will experiment with tissues (of human origin) grown in vitro from stem cells (from living cells found in urine, for example) or from organs (maintained in vitro) that dead people have offered to science.

  • will seek to model and digitize the human body and all its functions in order to make virtual experiences that correspond to reality.

  • participate in the development of reconstructive surgery: operations, mechanical and electronic aids (exoskeletons, prosthetics, robots, nerve impulse transmission, pacemakers, photosensitive cells, etc.).

  • participate in research and development: vaccines without toxic substances, new antibiotics, antivirus, herbal medicine based on algae and substances that strengthen the body’s natural defences.

  • Study with volunteers (paid) to establish and adjust their health program.

  • participate in research on the industrial and artisanal manufacturing of spirulina or other. They will seek to industrially produce animal proteins from stem cell cultures, protozoa, zooplankton and mealworms.

  • Participate in research on indoor and outdoor, vertical fruit and vegetable container gardens, as well as boat hydroculture.

  • develop sunlight transport systems: capturing sunlight outside and transporting it indoors.

  • participate in the development of individual systems for waste disposal, excrement and water purification.

  • Research biomimicry in all areas (health, food, energy, travel, etc.).

Búsqueda en los temas de la salud :

AIDEN en Utopia no permite que se experimente sobre animales. Los cientificos tendrán :

  • que experimentar sobre tejidos humanos desarrollados en laboratoria a partir de células madres u órganos que reciben al fallecer una persona

  • que establecer modelos informáticos para experimentos nuevos virtuales

  • que desarrollar la jirurgía de reparación ( prótesis, operaciones…) tanto mecánica como electrónica (prótesis que funcionan con impulso nervioso)

  • que buscar vacunas sin toxicidad, antibioticos, fitoterápia a base de algas

  • que expermientar su programa salud con voluntarios

  • que establece3r las mejores formas de trabajar los jardines interiores

  • que desarrollar nuevos sistemas para trasportar luz de a fuera hasta dentro de los muros

  • que establecer maneras de eliminar basuras, heces… siendo siempre mas eficaz

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Anarchise informatisée démocratique écologique & neutre