8.3 Les industries privées pour le recyclage et l’élimination des déchets, Private industrial systems for recyclant and waste disposa, Sistemas industriales privados para tratar la basura

partie 8.3

Private industrial systems for recycling and waste disposal

The economic system chosen by Aiden for consumption in Utopia must not produce any pollution which implies:

minimal packaging for consumer goods
durable objects, appliances and vehicles made with recoverable components and recyclable materials. The disposal costs of which are included in the purchase price.
offering food in bulk at the grocery stores.
using reusable bags, tote bags, boxes, nets, bottles, cans, canteens to do groceries.
not offering “multi-pack” packaging for any supplies.

As a result, importers, manufacturers and traders must include in their selling prices:

the disposal price for goods sold and for their packaging. Merchants can choose companies for these eliminations.
a recovery tax to encourage consumers or other people (even children) to return used goods and packaging so that they can be disposed of without pollution. This tax is at least one Anar or 1US $ for small items and packaging. This tax is proportional to the volume, the weight and depends on the constituents of the taxed goods. The list of taxes can be consulted at the Aiden offices.

The disposal price, the recovery tax and the recycling company are indicated on very strong and reusable (or engraved) labels that are attached to packaging and goods sold. The businesses and companies issuing the labels will give the sums withheld to the recycling company as well as a copy of the labels that describe the packaging and the goods sold. People who return these items and packaging to the recycling company indicated on the labels immediately receive the recovery taxes.


Sistemas industriales privados para tratar la basura :

El sistema economico escogido por AIDEN no puede producir contaminacion y recicla su basura. Eso significa :

  1. un minimo de embasles, registrados
  2. todos los objetos y véhiculos del día a día hechos con materiales reciclabes, impios, naturales, cuyo precio de tratamiento se incluye en el precio de venta.
  3. Productos presentados en bruto
  4. usar bolsas o recipientes de transporte que duren
  5. prohibir el « multi-pack »

Elementos incluidos en el precio de venta, indicados claramente en el embalse :

  1. la eliminacion de los embalses (el comerciante escoge libremente donde y con quien eliminar)
  2. registracion del embalse, para motivar a que los consumidores lo devuelvan. Esa registracion es proporcional al volumen, peso y contenido. Se consultan las listas en las oficinas AIDEN

Todo el recorrido del producto, de su concepcion a su recueracion debe de ser inscrita en el embalse. Cada empresa señala donde y con quien recupera y trata sus emblases. Al devolver los embalses ahí donde se compáron, los consumidores recuperan la registracion.

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