12.12 les commissions suite 3, committees 3, comisiones 3


Self-proclaimed accuracy verification committees

The self-proclaimed accuracy verification committees that verify the correctness of the decisions made concerning a companion consist of 12 members for Neighbourhood issues, of 24 members for Unit issues and 36 members for State issues.

The self-proclaimed accuracy verification committees are the ultimate recourse offer by the Aiden.

Their reports are given directly to the people at the same time as the new report given by the committees whose decision was contested. Citizens will decide how to proceed with these disputes.

Self-proclaimed referendum committees and accuracy verification

These committees have the same powers as all other committees once they have been announced on political Thursdays and recorded in the directory of committees.

These two committees illustrate one of the Aiden’s ideals:

“to have many friends, to know many people”.

If this ideal is a goal in itself, it can serve to have many friends in all circles to be able to form a self-proclaimed committee in case of problems.


Las comisiones autoproclamadas de verificacion de la exactitud

Estas comisiones autoporclamadas se componen de 12 miembros (6 compañeros, 6 compañeras) si se trata de controlar barrios ; de 24 miembros si se verifican celdas y 36 miembros para Utopia.

Estas comisiones son el ultimo recusro para los compañeros/as para contestar las decisiones. Sus informes van al publico quien decide utlimamente de la forma de proceder con las contestaciones.

Las comisiones autoproclamadas, refenrendo y verificacion de exactitud :

tienen los mismoes poderes que las demas comisiones, ya que se han anunciado (jueves) e inscritas en el registro de las comisiones. Estas dos comisiones representas exactamente a la filosofia de Utopia : tener muchos amigos y relaciones. En caso de litigio, uno podra rapidamente constituir una defensa potente.

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Anarchise informatisée démocratique écologique & neutre