4.13 Le droit des compagnes et compagnons de l’Aiden page 2 / The rights of Acden companions 2

chapitre 4 les droits 2Ces droits sont cités ailleurs:

  • Chaque migrant reçoit à son arrivée un capital inconditionnel de 100’000.- Anars (~= 100’000.-US$) et une cellule d’habitation de 12m2 comprenant une partie technique (6m2) et une partie séjour de 6m2 avec un emplacement,  pour lui permettre de s’installer et financer son bizness.
  • De même, tous les jeunes d’Utopia ayant atteint leur majorité, reçoivent un capital inconditionnel de 100’000.- Anars et une cellule d’habitation de 12m2 (6m2 technique + 6m2 séjour) avec un emplacement,  leur permettant de s’installer, de financer leurs études ou leurs bizness.

The rights of companions 2

  • to ask for social assistance when they are no longer able to take care of themselves, in which case the State will provide all or part of: an apartment of at least 12m2 (with a French window overlooking the outside, a secure entrance with 1 Acden desk, a kitchen unit with 1 sink + 1 microwave oven, 1 fridge with freezer, 1 wash block + drying + disinfection, for linen, cooking utensils and cleaning, 1 bathroom with WC + shower) / to free basic medical care, drugs and prosthetics in case of illness, accident and dental problems / clothes they need in state shops and food through their Acden Office / a job allowing them to pay for some hobbies and leisure / a lawyer if they go to trial

  • to view all documents on the internet or other media and store information and written content with photos and videos

  • to refuse to let in anyone they do not wish to see in their apartment (The laws of the Acden do not allow anyone to enter a dwelling, without agreement from the tenant; if the rent is paid. Except once a year, at the same date each year (that of the tenant’s entry into the dwelling) by the Housing Committee that does the inventory and renews the lease from year to year.)

  • not to be extradited except for crimes against humanity for which they may have to appear before the International Tribunal in The Hague. The Investigations committee and the diplomatic committee will first verify the validity of the accusations. In all cases, the Investigations committee will examine the case which may lead to a judgment for offenses committed abroad. The defendants may be sentenced according to Acden Law.

  • to interrupt their existence at all times with dignity

What can be added? Anything that is not forbidden is tolerated.

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