5.7 Sanctions / Les sanctions



Sanctions for crimes and offenses

Acden does not have prisons (possibly some cells in psychiatric hospitals for the irretrievable and dangerous people).

The penalties are adapted from case to case depending on the offenses, regrets, compensation offered and forgiveness granted by the victims. There is no generality.

There may be restriction of freedom and movement for serious cases.

The principle of these sanctions is to try to eliminate the causes that have led the wrongdoer or the guilty party to break the law.

Every citizen has an electronic ID that allows them to circulate throughout the territory. The state can program the computer that controls the cameras to prevent the sanctioned person from going to certain neighbourhoods, in certain businesses, buildings or to temporarily prohibit certain places according to the people there.

If the infraction is very serious, the state may allow the offending person to go to work and stop off at a few shops to buy basic necessities.

For less serious offenses the offending person may be sentenced to financial compensation, community service, travel bans for some vehicles, etc.

The offender looses the right to inviolability of the home for the duration of the sentence.

chap5. 06 les sanctions

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